Monday, July 26, 2010


Evan is now 2 and we've moved. All in all, we are doing well now. But 8 weeks ago, we were not in the same boat. Let me back up.

When we moved (Evan 22 months), Evan was fine. He was totally trained in the house and out. He would tell me when he had to go, and even though I had to help him with his shorts, he could hold it for 2 to 3 minutes, so we never had any accidents.

And then we moved.

It wasn't so much the changing of surroundings for him, it was more the fact that Scot and I took the easy way and kept him in a diaper too long after him getting up in the morning. And we weren't consistent with him at all, and he started having accidents. We, on the other hand, were running errands like crazy and trying to unpack a house. Oh yes, and did I mention that we had a new little guy around?

So about 4 weeks ago, I had about had it. I knew Evan could do it, it was my fault for not being consistent with him. We were having a bout one accident a day and after months of very few accidents, I was getting discouraged with 4 weeks of hit and miss. We'd have good days, and we'd have not-so-good days So I took one day, and we just 're-potty-trained' him. I hovered, I looked for 'the signs', and I encouraged him. And that's pretty much all it took. We have been 4 weeks now with NO accidents inside the house. I still put a diaper on him when we go in public (although I've started to be brave depending on where we're going and for how long), and he still sleeps in a diaper, but we are back to being 100% potty trained in the house. He either tells me he has to go, or he just goes by himself. He poops and pees in the potty (I got potty seat for him which helps SO much for the big potty) and we're all back to normal.

So that's the update on the "potty training", if you will. A little relapse, but we're all better.