Monday, January 11, 2010

Day....what day is it?

Waiting and reading

I'm not sure what day it is. It's been 2 weeks since I decided to sit down and do this. So I think that makes 14 days. And while I wish I was posting to say that we have it down pat, I'm not. I am posting to say, though, that we're getting close!

Yesterday, Evan came to us and told us he had to pee. Three times! There are 5 stickers on the chart from yesterday, but the other 2 are because we sat him on it because he had started to go in his pants (but we knew he hadn't gone all the way) and we wanted him to finish on the potty. Right now, this is the most frustrating battle. Sometimes he'll start to pee in his pants, but then stop when he realizes it. The frustrating part is not the wet pants or his whining that he's wet. The frustrating part is that he still has to learn how to release ALL the pee once he sits down. We'll sit him down and he'll grunt and push and out comes 3 little drops. Yeah - not the rest of the pee. The good news is that he has the control to stop the pee and hold it. We're just working on getting him to go all the way at one time. We'll get there. Just like we got here. Slow and steady.

Today has been great. Lots of changes in one day, but we're making it. I guess I forgot to mention that up until today, Evan has been on a 2 nap schedule. It dawned on me yesterday that if I switched him to just one nap, we'd have the entire morning to work on things and only one nap to interrupt us. So today, I pushed him until 12:30 before I put him down (he'd been fighting the 2 nap schedule for about a week now...) and he did great. Not a very pretty pre-nap time, but we'll get the hang of that, too.

This morning, though, was wonderful! He initiated 4 times on his own, and the accidents we had were due to being upset about being told no, or banging his head on the table edge - both brought tears, which in turn, brought out the pee. The other accident we had was totally my fault. I decided to go put the mail out by our front door. Well, I checked him to see if he was wet on my way to the front door. When I started to unlock the door, he started calling for me, but I just went ahead and kept opening the door to stick my letter outside for the postman. He, of course, was still calling. When I turned around, he was standing in the kitchen patting himself. Bummer. But at least he was trying to tell me, right?

All in all, we're getting it. He's able to hold it. He's starting to tell us he has to go, or like today, he just picks up a book and sits on the potty. I have to be watching for this since he'll sit down with his pants on. To help this, I hae only been putting him in his underwear, and he pulls that off pretty easily. It's so cute to watch him tug at them to get them up and then even funnier still is watching him pull them up - covering his front and totally leaving his little butt cheeks hangin' out. :)

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